Recent Portrait Work | Cranford Co. | Arkansas Commercial Photographer

The last two weeks have been a blur. I've been way behind on blogging due to two weeks of being completely booked. It's a good thing! But now that I have a few days to breathe, catch up and enjoy (maybe) a little computer time, it's back to blogging.

A few weeks ago, I photographed the Cranford Brothers; Jay, Ross and Chris who make up the creative team at Cranford Co. The photo was for a recent issue of Arkansas Business that featured long-standing, family businesses in Arkansas. 

Advertising agency Cranford Co., led by brothers and partners (L>R) Chris, Jay and Ross Cranford are continuing their father's tradition in advertising since 1961.

Advertising agency Cranford Co., led by brothers and partners (L>R) Chris, Jay and Ross Cranford are continuing their father's tradition in advertising since 1961.

The Cranford bothers history in the advertising world runs deep. Their father started one of Arkansas leading advertising agencies in 1961. The trio have not yet moved into their new home located along the Main Street creative corridor. From what I saw during the photo shoot, it will be a very unique space.

cranford co.

I really enjoyed meeting and photographing the Cranford Brothers.