Food and Drink

Desserts! With 8 Broads in the Kitchen | Arkansas Food & Drink Photographer | Karen E. Segrave

Who doesn’t like desserts?

Seriously…Who out there does not like desserts?

The 8 Broads in the Kitchen do not like desserts, they LOVE them. And their latest cookbook is a testament to all things desserts!

Chocolate Crinkle Cookies Arkansas Food Photographer.JPG

I first met one of the Broads, Kristie Rosset, many years ago when she was the owner and innkeeper at Lookout Point Lakeside Inn in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Lookout is one of the finest Bed & Breakfasts in Arkansas. I had photographed at Lookout many times over the years for various reasons and clients. Sadly, Rosset has since sold Lookout and is now happily enjoying retirement and lots of time with her grandchildren.

Rosset called me in the spring of 2018 when the Broads were in the beginning stages of revamping their Desserts! cookbook. I could not wait to be a part of the project.

Most of the Broads flew to Arkansas and we photographed selected recipes at Rosset’s home over two days in the fall of 2018. I sampled just about everything I photographed and the chocolate crinkle cookies pictured above were my favorite.

In addition to photographing the desserts, the publisher requested photos of the Broads cooking together, laughing and loving life. These ladies are full of sweet and a little bit of sass!

Part of the project was not only to style and photograph selected recipes, but to also photograph the Broads as they cooked and laughed together…which they did. A LOT! The cookbook was published in fall of 2019. You can buy a copy here on Amazon.